Nets must be pre-booked to comply with the ECB's Guidance.
We have received the ECB's guidance on net usage with immediate effect. In brief:
a) Only people alone or from the same household should be netting together. b) One person may meet with one other person from another household in order to use the nets. c) Check for symptoms of COVID-19 and if in doubt, do not arrive at the club. Remain at home and seek medical advice. d) Avoid public transport if at all possible. e) Cricketers should have sanitised their hands before arriving at the nets, bring their OWN hand sanitiser and use this throughout the hour session as much as possible as well as sanitising hands after leaving the facility. f) Cricketers are using their OWN equipment and NOT sharing - this extends to cricket balls as well and batting equipment.
Effective from Sunday 17th May 2020, Bracknell Cricket Club's procedure will be as follows:
1 - Nets 1 and 2 can be used for practise. 2 - The lanes MUST be booked for use. Booking slots are for 1 hour only; no back-to-back sessions are allowed at this stage to ensure as many people get to use the nets as possible. This may change as time goes on whilst we work out demand. Anyone not having booked WILL be expected to leave.
3 - There will be a 10 min gap between bookings to allow safe exit/entrance of members and to avoid build up of personnel in the ground. 4 - Bookings can be made from 10am (start) through to 7pm (last booking) on any day of the week but MUST be booked at least 2 hours in advance to avoid any clashes.
5 - To make a booking or bookings, please use the Net booking sheet, call, text or WhatsApp Adam Kite on 07794 501649.
5a- Both players MUST be members and provide full names of both attending the session.
6- Please ONLY use the carpark on Larges Lane as there will be no access through the Doctor's surgery. The clubhouse toilet facility will also remain closed.
Adult cricketers must have paid their 2020 adult playing subscription ( half ) in order to be eligible to make a booking.
Anyone wishing to pay their subs can do so here:
Account number - 86238191
Sort code - 51 81 22
Ref: (Your Name - 2020 Subs)
Best wishes to you all and I hope this is the start of better things to come as 2020 draws on. Seems like there IS light at the end of the tunnel.
Mo Shabir
Vice Chairman